Microsurgery Courses


Two-day Course:

February 3 – 4 2025  SOLD OUT | March 20-21, 2025 | May 8 – 9, 2025

Two-day Course scrub nurse only:

April 10 – 11, 2025

Five-day Course:

June 2 – 6, 2025

Max Participants



Rotterdam, The Netherlands


Course Introduction

This is an intensive practical course to learn the key skills of microvascular surgery. It is aimed at surgical specialists and specialists in training, with or without previous microsurgical experience. The emphasis during the course is on practical training in an in-vivo model. Multiple coaches are present to continuously monitor the progress of each participant.

We also offer personal microsurgery training outside of the course schedule. This is does not include lectures and is purely hands-on training in the in-vivo model under supervision of a coach.

The program

The following options are available:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
08:15 Registration
08:30 Introduction to the microscope 08:30 Basics of microsurgery 08:30 Specialised microsurgery cases 08:30 Microsurgery across surgical specialities 08:30 Humbling microsurgery cases
09:20 Short break 09:20 Short break 09:20 Short break 09:20 Short break 09:20 Short break
09:30 Micro-lab session:

end-to-end anastomosis; aorta

09:30 Micro-lab session:

end-to-end anastomosis; aorta

09:30 Micro-lab session:

end-to-side anastomosis;

carotid artery

09:30 Micro-lab:

interposition grafting

09:30 Micro-lab:



femoral artery / vein

13:00 Lunch break 13:00 Lunch break 13:00 Lunch break 13:00 Lunch break 13:00 Lunch break



Micro-lab session:

end-to-end anastomosis; aorta




Micro-lab session:

end-to-end anastomosis; aorta




Micro-lab session:

end-to-side anastomosis;

carotid artery




Micro-lab session:

interposition grafting




Micro-lab session:


anastomosis; femoral artery / vein



The techniques offered are basic end-to-end anastomosis, end-to-side anastomosis and interposition (carotid) grafts. Interposition vein grafts can be trained, depending on the progress of the participant.


Day 1 Day 2
08:15 Registration
08:30 Introduction to the microscope 08:30 Basics of microsurgery
09:20 Short break 09:20 Short break
09:30 Micro-lab session:

end-to-end anastomosis; aorta

09:30 Micro-lab session:

end-to-end anastomosis; aorta

13:00 Lunch break 13:00 Lunch break



Micro-lab session:

end-to-end anastomosis; aorta




Micro-lab session:

end-to-end anastomosis; aorta

The techniques offered are basic end-to-end anastomosis and end-to-side anastomosis. Important issues as gentle tissue handling are an integral part of the course.

600,- euro per  microscope per day. Days can be either consecutive of separate.

Semi-personal training, with two persons per microscope per day is also possible.

For more information please contact m.j.m.muijtjens@erasmusmc.nl

The key skills of microvascular surgery are taught during personal training or can be practiced under supervision of a coach. This course does not include lectures and is purely hands-on training in an in-vivo model. Based on progression, more advanced techniques can be offered.

In all courses, techniques based on personal requirement are possible, within the legal constraints of the in-vivo model.


Esser Masterclass is dedicated hand surgery training, a must for every hand surgeon

A. Satir, Plastic Surgeon, Germany

J.L.B. Vanhaecke, Hand Surgeon, Belgium


One of the best courses I have attended

A.C. van Leeuwen MD, Plastic Surgeon, Netherlands


Personal Microsurgery Course

€600 (one person)

€800 (two persons)

Microsurgery Course (TWO-DAY)

March 20 & 21, 2025

€1000 (Limited)

Microsurgery Course – Scrub Nurse only (TWO-DAY)

April 10 & 11, 2025

€750 (Limited)

Microsurgery Course  (TWO-DAY)

May 8 & 9, 2025

€1000 (Limited)

Microsurgery Course (FIVE-DAY)

June 2-6, 2025

€2000 (Limited)


Rotterdam, city on the Maas, is considered the most modern city of the Netherlands. Atypical in its own country, internationally renowned for its passion for innovation and its unpolished charms. Whether it is its ever-changing skyline full of audacious architecture, its port that is regarded as the smartest in the world, or the “can do” mentality of its residents. Rotterdam is a town with a pronounced character, energetic and always dynamic. Esser Masterclass and Rotterdam Partners make it possible for their participants to experience the city of Rotterdam at it’s full most.

Rotterdam Information
SkillsLab Erasmus MC Room
Ee-120 Wytemaweg 80
3015 CN Rotterdam,
The Netherlands

Special Thanks to

Ella Nitters MSc, MA

“As a medical illustrator I am proud to be part of the Esser Masterclass. It’s my passion to draw the human anatomy and within Esser Masterclass I get the opportunity to explore this with devoted hand surgeons.”