The peripheral nervous system is the network of nerves that originate from the brain and spinal cord, which allow us to move and sense our world and to interact with those around us. Injury to these nerves historically led to lifelong paralysis, pain, and loss of function. Over recent years, a new generation of surgeons has developed repair and reconstruction techniques to restore function and feeling, providing hope to those who have lost so much.
Peripheral nerve surgery has become a subspeciality for Plastic, Orthopedic and Neurosurgeons across the world and working together in the exciting field of peripheral nerve surgery proves that collaboration is the only route to success.
The Global Nerve Foundation in partnership with Esser Masterclass are bringing expertise in nerve surgery education from across the globe from nerve surgeons to nerve surgeons. The complete curriculum of nerve surgery will be provided with annually theme based three day cadaver lab courses internationally by expert nerve surgeons.
Our mission is making high-quality nerve surgery education accessible for every nerve surgeon around the globe regardless of background (Plastic/Orthopedic/Neurosurgeons) and our motto is: ‘’Training from Nerve Surgeon to Nerve Surgeon’’